Orcher has stood guard over the Seine Estuary for over 900 years. The castle was built in the XIIth century on top of a cliff 90m high. The square keep and surrounding walls, with a tower at each end, were protected on the North and West sides by a 20m wide moat.
It played a part in the Hundred Years war in 1415, when the Plantagenet King Henry V gave the castle and estate to Falstaff, his trusted lieutenant as a reward for victory in the siege of Harfleur.
Orcher was sold for the last time in 1735 to the Planterose de Melmont family from Rouen, who transformed it into an XVIIIth century fashionable country house. Madame de Melmont commissioned the design and planting of the superb park a few years later.

From 1st July until 15th August: between 2pm and 6pm, every day except Monday. The tour lasts approximately 35 minutes.
Adults: 7 Euros
10-18 years old: 3 Euros
Children under 10: free
Entrance to the castle includes admission to the gardens.
Groups: by appointment, week-ends only, from 1 May until 30 September.
Open from 1 April until 14 December, every day between 8am and 8pm, but closed on Thursdays.
Entrance is free for individuals.
From 15 December until 30 March the park is open on Sundays only, between 9am and 5pm.
Ask your questions: postmaster@chateaudorcher.com
La Demeure Historique : www.demeure-historique.org
Guide des Parcs et jardins de France et Portail du Jardin et du Paysage : www.jardinez.com
Tourist office: www.lehavretourisme.com